We are pleased to announce that ARYZE CEO, Jack Nikogosian, has been selected for the prestigious list of top 100 Danish talents under the age of 36, Talent100. For the 16th year in a row, this list is curated by one of the largest Danish newspaper, Berlingske Tidene. The list can be found here.
Jack Nikogosian is a Danish blockchain expert with great insight in terms of trends within cryptocurrency, blockchain technology, digital payments and tokenization. Jack is the founder and CEO of ARYZE, and has the unique skill of being able to combine emerging technologies with existing mindsets, in order to create truly innovative solutions for businesses and consumers alike.
Berlingske has also been so kind as to publish an article they did about Jack, which can be found here. Note: the article is in Danish.
Read more about how ARYZE was started and the story that followed.